Calculate new taxi fare
Taxi fare calculation result

Balçova, Izmir Turkey between Izmir-Adnan Menderes Airport, Havaalanı Yolu 35410 Dokuz Eylül, İzmir Turkey taxi fare

Calculation Result

Information entered on taxi fare calculation screen

Start Address

Balçova, Izmir Turkey
End Address

Izmir-Adnan Menderes Airport, Havaalanı Yolu 35410 Dokuz Eylül, İzmir Turkey
8.0308 Kilometer
8.76 Min.
38.73 TL

Izmir taxi fare calculation

Calculate new taxi fare

Izmir calculates the taximeter fee by measuring the distance between the two addresses you determined during the calculation of the taxi departing from the province. Our site is a tool to help you calculate Izmir taxi fare. This account is created by assuming that the taxi will go through the route in the map.

Note: Calculated taxi fare does not include fare fees such as bridges, tunnels and toll roads.


